1 Mayıs 2009 Cuma

turks power muratdarga

injured at the Behbood hospital (police hospital) are under arrest, three of them are injured because of gun shootings. The number of demonstrators has been estimated to be between 200 and 300 thousand people. This is the largest protest of Azerbaijanis against the violation of their human rights since 1979.The newspaper, like all other governmental newspapers, must have all of its content thoroughly checked and approved by the Iranian government prior to publication. This is not the first time a cartoon of this nature has
murat darga
güney azerbaycan Türk bölgesi

Güney Azerbaycan'a İstiklal

Fars'ın ne işi var yurdumda,
Anamın döşeğinde el yatar gibi.
Eli bağlı,dili bağlı oturmanın acısı,
Yüreğime bin mızrak batar gibi.
Murat Darga

güney azerbaycan özgürlük savaşcıları
güney azerbaycan azadlık savaşı

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